Product benefits


Save money by installing Decra®’s lightweight roof tiles on your house! Substantial savings can be achieved in structural costs.


Wind & Storm resistance

Hurricanes are more likely these days but needless to worry under Decra®. 160 km/h hurricane can come your way but Decra® extreme weather resistant roofs could resist even that!


Hail, snow and ice protection

Winter weather extremes can take their toll on every type of conventional roofing. Our stone coated metal roofing systems provide extraordinary protection for your home also in winter, which conventional rooftiles are not able to.


Fire resistance

A house on fire can collapse under a heavy roof, but less likely under Decra®’s lightweight, pressed metal roof! Decra® roofing system is resistant to fire.


Material Structure

Decra®’s material structure consists of 8 layers of perfection, as we call it. Steel is only one layer. There are other vital components that contribute to the unique benefits that makes Decra® so special. What are those layers?


Noise resistance

A Decra® roof is excellent in comparison to other steel roofing products. The reduced noise impact is the result of our textured, stone chip coated finish and the interlocking system.
